Well our first product is patent pending. So I can talk about that one.
That one's called MyOstoMy, and it's a suction device that actually goes onto your stoma. So when you go to change your entire seal, like I have an ileostomy, it's active all the time. So this prevents stool from getting all over you and making a mess.
And people that have ileostomies know you can get started and get almost finished, and then it erupts. And then you have to start all over again, and it's not fun.
And so this basically suctions on it'll hold up to an ounce or an ounce and a half of stool, which is plenty to do your process. And then kind of teach people a little bit about my process, how I put on the seal that makes it last a little longer. And my seals have been averaging anywhere from six to eight days.