How MyOstoMy Works

One of the greatest challenges that patients, especially with an ileostomy or urostomy have, is the continued output.

You can't tell it when to eliminate. It's going to eliminate on its own as the bowel functions. And so what a patient has to do, who has an ileostomy, is either plan for that time when they're going to change their ostomy.

But those times where they have a leak and they haven't made those plans, they're taking that appliance off and running for Kleenex or paper towel to throw over the ostomy to absorb the outputs.

What the MyOstomy does, is it fits over the ileostomy or urostomy or colostomy and will suction that output so that the patient can then clean the skin, apply the paste and apply the appliance without leaking all over their skin and causing damage to the skin, which is one of the biggest issues facing patients with an ostomy.

Here's patient & co-founder Zach demonstrating how easy it is to use MyOstoMy